So far Lauren and I have been very lucky to have so many days off and long weekends while we have been here but we only have one more Monday off in April. We are not letting that stop us from seeing what this wonderful country and is all about. We have every Saturday planned from now until we leave just to make sure we go to all the places we want to see. Having 3 more months left still does not feel like enough to see and do it all but we only have so much time, and money so we are going to make the most of it.
Most of our adventures start here, the Chunghua train station. We are both quite proud of our ability to figure out what train we need, how to get tickets, and how to adjust our ticket price at our destination if needs be. 2 Saturdays ago we headed to Taichung. This was not a new city to us, we go there every Sunday but we always see places we want to try and never can given that it is Sunday. So we dedicated a Saturday to doing all those thing we can't on Sunday. It just so happens Taichung has some of the best night markets in Taiwan as well. |
First thing first, treats. We see these little pancake, smiley face, type things right in front of the train station and want to buy one so badly every week, so today we bought 4. Naturally, some commercial was being filmed at the same time. I have seen more movies and commercials and news things being filmed here in these 3 months than I have seen in my whole life. Anways, the treats were good, not great, we feel much better knowing what they taste like and it's a good thing we didn't love them or we would have been even more tempted each week to get them, we have plenty of other food temptations each Sunday to deal with. |

Right before the church building there is this sushi express. I have always wanted to try one of these sushi places and of course this one looked extra good. So we finally tried it, and it was good, except for these nasty green cube things. I still can't figure out how Lauren talked me into taking them off the belt, there were so many other better options but it works out fine because, the best part was, every plate was just $1. yep.
I didn't get any pictures of the shopping we did that night but let me tell you, the night markets were a success. Taiwan has the best clothing and it's all so cheep so we bought just a few things....Most of the stores were playing some kind of American music that neither of us would typically enjoy in the states but hearing the songs here it was as if they were our favorite songs. We danced and sang and made fools of ourselves and loved every minute of it. | |
So this was not that same Saturday or even a Saturday at all, I think it was a Thursday actually but I feel it is necessary to show what we do with out time during the week when we are not teaching the children. It was 11 pm, Lauren's sweet mother had sent her gram-crackers, so we bought marshmallows and chocolate and made s'mores. The best part was how we made them, over the stove with chopsticks. They were delicious! and also mostly I just really like this picture of Lauren, I don't care what you say L word. | |
Last Saturday, March 17th to be exact, aka St. Patrick's day, even though we didn't realize it was until about midnight. Anyways, we are always asking people what we need to see in Taiwan and basically everyone has said Sun Moon Lake so we were really excited about going. We both thought it would be great to go to a more remote quite beautiful area. Well our expectations turned out to be very wrong and we were very under-prepared for the day. First we ordered a bagel and orange juice from McDonald's for breakfast. When we said 'orange juice' they heard 'corn soup.' Not the same. Then on the train Lauren's "orange juice" broke out of the bottom of the bag and corn soup spilled all over the floor of the train, strangers were nice and passed us tissues but it just set off the day on the wrong foot. Then we figured by what we had read and heard that from the train station it would be easy to get the bus we needed. Wrong. We went to about 8 different train stations before this random man offered to walk us to the right one. People here are so nice and we were thankful for his kindness. Turns out his kindness was not free and he just wanted money and it was an awkward uncomfortable moment and we felt like we were taken advantage of because we didn't know what to do. It was not that much money or anything but things like that just don't happen here, at least we didn't think it ever did. |

After our 2 hr bus ride we arrived at Sun Moon Lake. First thing first, bathroom stop. A sweet little lady behind me says "you take boat?" We knew we wanted to take a boat so we followed her to another older lady who we gave our money to. Normally we wouldn't be skeptical at all but after our first guide we were hesitant. We knew it was fine once she said follow my grandson to the boat. This was her grandson. He was adorable! Just look at that rats tail. I asked his name and he said "ting-boo-tong" luckily I know enough to Chinese to know that basically means "I have no idea what your saying" or I would have thought I met the cutest boy named 'ting-boo-tong' all day.
As I mentioned we were totally unprepared for the day. First of all it was not a quite remote area. Like everywhere we have been in Taiwan, there were TONS of people and it was another city surrounding the lake not a remote forest area like we hoped for. Also, it was about 80 degrees and I was wearing a long sleeve shirt and boots and Lauren had on tights and a skirt and we were very uncomfortable. We made some quick stops in some stores. We put together some really cute outfits (I'm sad I don't have a better picture of them) I bought this awesome Linsanity shirt, that I actually love, and Lauren got some adorable shorts, and we got some matching sun glasses, we were looking real good. |
Our first boat stop took us here. The view was pretty but it was so crowded. so hot. nothing to do or see beyond this view, and not what we expected it would be. This day was not going great, besides the purchase of my linsanity shirt of course. |
This was the biggest attraction on our first stop. It was facing a small temple and we figured it had something to do with that and said something religious. |
We figured this rock must have been a big deal and said something very important because it had a long line, and a security guard. Ben looked it up when I told him about it, turns out it says "Sun Moon Lake." super cool right? |
At this point Lauren and I agreed this day was not going as expected. We decided that we would take lots of pictures looking like we were having the times of our lives and tell everyone it was the best day ever. This was the first pic in our planned lie. It was also the last because the day got much better. Notice the gondola in the back ground (gondola like a ski lift not like a boat T) |
Arriving at our next, and final stop, of the boat tour we could tell this stop would be more of a success then the 'rock stop' we had just made. It started with this random dancing group. Good things always start with dancing. (if that is not a phrase it should be) |
This stop was more of a city than just a overview like before. We walked around and found this cute owl workshop with all kinds of hand made owl things, I loved it. The stores actually reminded me of places you would find in Peru, it was really strange. Another thing I am sad I didn't get a picture of was the amazing crepe creation we enjoyed. It was a ginormous crepe with Taro ice-cream, peaches, raspberries, bananas, cream, and a chocolate wafer, it was unbelievably good. |
This guy was the best. I mean just look at the basket on his head. He could say about 3 things "hello, very good, and good bye." He also pretended to take pictures of us with these tongs he was holding. We adored him.
We walked along the side of the road that was clearly not for pedestrians trying to get to the gondolas. We were hoping we would get our own gondola because they were not that big and just thought it would be more enjoyable. Well when it was time to get in they were clearly motioning for us to get on one with these two other people. We pretended like we didn't understand and went and got on our own. The perks for being a foreigner not knowing the language. |
Playing dumb was the best thing we did all day because while we were here looking at this beautiful view we had a little dance party of our own. I played some music with my phone and we danced. People passing in gondolas on the other side were laughing and staring and taking pics, just made it an even better moment. The moment was too good. |
I loved the bright colored little gondolas with the green trees behind them. It was so pretty and we could see why so many people told us to go here now. |
At the end of the tram there was an amusement park that we didn't know about but we were out of time, unfortunately; so we went back to catch the gondola to catch the boat back to catch our bus back to catch our train back to find our moved bikes to get back home Here we are with genuine happiness, not faking it this time. We are also on a gondola with 6 other people at this point, we had no choice this time. The day turned out so much better than it started and ended great with a little rain storm more delicious food and some new friends from the Netherlands. |
How does the day not end great when you have this view, really. |