I knew when I first started planning on coming to Taiwan that I would be here to work, to teach. However, reality of that did not set in till last Monday. The honeymoon stage with Taiwan was over. I am living here not just as a vacation but to work. Let me tell you.. teaching is work. It takes every ounce of energy and patience that I have to teach. Don't get me wrong the kids are so great and so cute and I love them but it is so much work. That first day (Monday) when I realized what my life was really going to be like for 6 months it was kind of hard to swallow. However, I bounced back quickly and realized I am still living abroad, I am going to be able to see so much of this amazing country over the next 6 months, and basically 'what am I thinking' this is amazing. After all look at these kids how can you not just love them.

I have only been here 3 weeks but I already feel like my life is here. Not that I'm going to be here for life (although it does feel like that some times) but that my life right now is here. I have figured out the trains (or should I say we, me and Lauren) how to get around, how to order food, it is comfortable. Evey place we go has a new experience and adventure to it but it is all very comfortable. This picture is in Carefour. A grocery store that is common outside of the US but we had an adventure finding it in the first place. We looked it up on google maps and it seemed easy enough to get to so we got on our bikes and went. As you can guess, we got a bit lost, but we kind of wanted to just so we could see more of this town we are living in. It's wonderful. I love it

Taiwan just had it's presidential elections ending this last Saturday. Me and Lauren could not get enough of the candidates signs, especially this one. This man would be ridiculed relentlessly if he were to have these signs in the states. His outfit, his pose, the rainbow in the background. But, it worked, he won. At least I think it was him that won, they all look the same.. I'm totally kidding, mostly. The day after elections we had to hurry and take pictures of the posters and things before they were all taken down and just pulled over to the side of the road to grab a quick pic.

Where do I even begin this next story. Let's see.... Well me and Lauren were on the Train on Sunday going to Church and as usually lots of people staring, especially on Sunday because of the skirts I guess. Last Sunday I ended up covering Laurens legs with my coat because this incredibly creepy guy was literally hovering over us on the train. I get creeped out and usually just let it go but something was not right about this guy. It didn't help that he was chewing this nasty tobacco like stuff they chew here (but it is red and they look they have blood in their mouths) it is discussing! Anyways, that is totally besides the point!! So this last Sunday we met a nice none creepy man. We didn't notice him looking at us because we just try to ignore all stares, but he just said "how are you" in English, so no eye contact was needed. I said hello and he started asking if we were Teachers or students and what we were doing in Taiwan. His English was really really good and he was so sweet. We told him we were going to church. He had heard about the LDS church and is a very Christan, religious man himself and we talked for a second about that. Then he told me about this club he is in where about 20-25 adults get together to practice speaking English. They take turns giving little speeches and also having 'table talk' where they are given a topic then 10 seconds to gather what they want to say and then 1 minute to say their point/opinion. He told me that one of their (equivalent to a congressman in the US) government men allowed them to use the top floor of his office once a week for these meetings. He invited me and Lauren to come as guests. Lauren had sat down by this point because she was not feeling well but I told him I would get his info and see if we could make it. After getting off the bus I told Lauren and she was all for it. We both got a good vibe from him and it's not like he took our info we just took his. Well the next day I asked one of the secretaries at the school to call him and get directions and to see if he seemed like 'a liar' as she put it (I think she thought it was more sketchy). She called him and gave us the directions. At this point I started feeling uneasy about it but we decided just to see and use our best judgment. We knew it ended at 9:30 so we planned out to get there around 9:00. After getting lost and having to ask some nice ladies at the 7-11 we actually found the place. The place was smothered in flowers from celebration of the Reelection of the President. We assumed we were at the right place but as we got in the elevator we just started laughing "where are we?!" once we walked in the room everyone smiled and greeted us. The meeting had just ended. Nelson came right up to us (the man I met on the train) and started introducing us to people. Evey one of them was all smiles and so nice. Evey one left but Nelson another older man (in their 50s or 60s) and a younger guy. They told us about the next meeting but asked if we wanted to go to a coffee house to talk for a little. We said sure. They treated us, we told them we did not drink caffeine so they ordered a tea without it, even though we are pretty sure it did in fact have caffeine due to the fact that neither of us could sleep last night. Anyways, in the picture (way above the unessisarily long story) is Adam (the younger one) even though he looks like he is 12 he is at least 30 we figured out. He lived in California for almost 17 years and has almost no accent. Nelson is one by me. It is not a good picture of him you can't tell how sweet he is. I'm sad Bruce (the other older man) is not in the picture but he had to leave early. We talked for a couple hours, till 11 last night. (wow i'm just realizing it was a couple hours, crazy) We talked quiet a bit about our church. Nelson had met with the missionaries before and was very curious as to how we are different then other Christan faiths. It was probably my first real missionary experience. I didn't want to say the wrong thing but Lauren is so good at talking about it and knew just what to say. Nelson offered for us to come to his church and to other events to meet more local people. He is just such a nice guy and I'm so glad I met him on the train. We are going to ask him if we will help Lauren and I learn some more Chinese. After leaving the tea place me and Lauren were kind of on a high talking about it. We had just had a totally foreign experience and it turned out great.

Sleep is the one thing I have struggled with since arriving in Taiwan. (it's not jet lag or anything, just me) and last night maybe also because of some tea. This little collage was put together at 5:04 am if you can't tell. I had not fallen asleep yet! I also had just had an encounter with the biggest bug I've ever seen in person that I ended up drowning (am I terrible?) I felt like a zombie I can't be held accountable for my actions. Drinking tea or murder. Anyways, Mandy goes running at 5:30 every morning (she inspires me) and I was STILL up when she left this morning. As you can see I had to wake up at 7:23. I should be taking a nap right now. But here I am typing my fingers off instead. Hope to sleep tonight. My body just wants to be out and exploring and meeting strangers on trains more. No time for sleep, I'm in Taiwan..
I don't even know how to comment. It's all so adventurous and I love reading your stories! I wish I could come experience this with you! I'll try to win the lottery and then I will see you there :)
ReplyDeleteHow come I'm not surprised that you were so careful about following up on a random invitation to join a Taiwanese, English speaking group full of strangers! You is smart, you is kind, you is impo'tant!
ReplyDeleteLOVE THIS STORY!!! You remind me of myself, only smarter and more careful in your adventures. :) It is so fabulous that you have buddies/roommates. Experiences are so much more fun (and safe) when shared with someone. Keep writing.
ReplyDeleteThe red juice they chew that looks like blood are betel nuts. There's a betel nut stall on the corner by the apartment. All the ones that have neon lights that are in like a half flower shape are betel nut stalls.
ReplyDeleteNatalie I love your blog! I was afraid that story was going to end with "and now I am writing you from his basement where he has trapped us and won't let us go." But I'm glad you are alive. I am jealous of your experience and the chance to meet so many different people. So fun!!
ReplyDeleteI love all of this. Sounds like you're learning SO much.
ReplyDeletei love this! i love everything you're doing. glad you are having fun! i can't believe mandy gets up and runs at 5:30. she is not human! are all those little children wearing face masks?