Being able experience the Chinese New Year in Taiwan was a dream. Not
only did I have a whole week off from teaching I was able to literally
go from the most south part of Taiwan to the most north, Taipei. We left
for Taipei Wednesday morning. Walking to the train station took longer
than planned and we had to run through the train station to catch our
train no more than 5 seconds before it left. Being so lucky only began
the adventures we were going to have in Taipei. I wish I could explain
every single thing we did but I will try to let the pictures do that
they best they can.

We had a wonderful surprise call Tuesday morning (the fact that it was the morning and the phone is on my level was not so wonderful) from our boss Sherry. After about 10 phone calls we had plans to take a train that night with two of our students, who are sisters. Their parents had invited us to go to an amusement park with them the next day. The train ride was so much fun with these little cuties; but I am sure people were confused why 3 white girls were hanging out with two little Asian girls on the train.
The parents picked us up from the train station and took us strait to
the grandmother of the girls home. Most businesses here are on the first
floor of a building and the family that runs the business lives above
it. We were able to truly experience Taiwanese life first hand. The grandmothers business is selling bed spreads and other fabrics
and they set up dinner just right in the middle. (this is my attempt to
sneak a pic, I think the cousin caught me) Me Lauren and Karen were
just sitting enjoying every minute of being with this family and the experience we were having (please notice the fish... yum) |
The next morning the parents came to get us at the hostel we stayed at. They told us the bus was here. We figured the bus just meant a bigger car because they have 3 kids plus us 3. Nope, the bus was a full tour bus. The entire extended family was going to the amusement park on the bus. 2 grandparents, 6 adults, 13-15 kids and us 3. The family was unbelievably kind and practically shoving food into our mouths. The amusement park was not what we expected. First it was a 2 hour bus ride away, and then the rides were all small kid rides. However, it was really green and pretty and where we ate lunch had beautiful tall lush green trees. We were just enjoying the fact of what we were doing and we loved every second. |
Eilleen (the girl with the mask) is my student the other girls are her
cousins. All the little kids spoke English and very well. Aren't they so
cute? |
Here is just part of the family. We stopped at this big bridge, just to watch them raise part of it, on the way home. Tho boy kneeling in the front is one of if not the funniest boy I have ever talked to. He entertained us the whole day and boy could he tell a good story. I will never forget about "no good great grandpa Maurice who had gem stones in his house, and one diamond." He was such a character. We also saw the ocean for the first time here. |
The next morning was Wednesday and we headed out for Taipei (as I mentioned barely catching the bus.) Lauren has this ability of making 'little' friends every where we go. We had a family standing by us on the train and by the end of the ride the little girl was sitting on her lap and this absolutely loveable boy ended up on my lap. Both playing with our phones. We had no verbal communication with them but it didn't matter, kids are loving and I love them. |
Once we got into Taipei we met up with our new friends Kamille and Ashley. None of us knew each other but thanks to Facebook and mutual friends we now all feel as if we have been friends for years. This was our first night in Taipei and we feel in love with the city quickly. Finding art vendors and this really great area with fun stores and restaurants and of course lots and lots of people. |
We all have many things in common but two of the big ones are our love for exploring and eating. The food here... I can't even describe how good it is. Street vendors... angels. These new egg/pancake/crepe/amazingness are my new favorite thing in my life. I don't know what I'll do when I have to leave them. |
We visited the 101, the second largest building in the world. I am not sure why but it didn't seem like it really is that big. I felt like some of the buildings I saw in China and Brazil were bigger but I've decided it's because there are not tall building by it, it's just all by itself. We didn't go to the top because we decided to save that for our next trip to Taipei, mostly because we want to do it at night. |
We went to lots of night markets. They all had 2 things in common, lots of food and LOTS of people. We took our turns being overwhelmed by the number of people as well as the number of cute things we all wanted to buy. This is by far the best dressed country I have ever been to.Evey one here as style and dresses really well. |
Being that it was in fact Chinese New Years their were many religious services taking place and the temple was full of culture and beauty. |
While exploring we came across a big center that was having a 'bloom festival' show. It reminded me of a Festival of Trees Asian style. I love this picture because it shows how much fun we all had. As if we don't have enough people looking at us as it is just being 5 white girls we drew even more attention by our constant laughter. One of the funniest moments happened here. (not in this picture, although this event was dang funny, but I think it will sound too inappropriate to write about but 'M' I know you know what I'm talking about.) |
Our final day we started at the Taipei Zoo. It only cost 2 US dollars! It was absolutely beautiful, it was so green and also so large. Because we had walked every day all day for 3 days strait we were all pretty tired by this point. We did a pretty fast and selective walk through of the zoo. It felt like every person who lives in Taiwan was there, I don't know where all of these people come from. I'm wearing one of my favorite purchases of the week and found it necessary to get a pic with the giraffes while where giraffes, hope I didn't offend them. |
Isn't it beautiful? I love that the rhinos are sleeping, it's so appropriate because it seemed like most of the animals were. I was pretty jealous, I was so tired! I don't usually enjoy zoos and even though I was pretty tired and worn out I still loved it, I love everything here. |
We sadly had to part ways with Ashley and Kamille after the zoo but then the 3 of us headed to Pingxi, a near by city. Me and Lauren first read about the lantern festival here when we moved to Taiwan but didn't think it would actually ever work out to go. Well lucky for us it worked out perfectly. We really didn't know what to expect. I think I am safe to say that it far exceeded what expectations we did have. We got there at just the right time. We could see the street and everything happening in the light of day but were also able to see the beauty of the lanterns at night. |
Lanterns were constantly being set off the entire 3-4 hours we were there. Lots of the little shops on this street were selling the lanterns and helping to set them off. It never got old to watch them move into the air to join the rest. |
Mostly every lantern had writing on it. We bought one and wrote on it but our writing is not even close to the beautiful as the Chinese characters that all of the other lanterns had. I loved watching people send them off and it was so much fun to do our own. |
Besides the lanterns being set off from the street a big field area was used to send a few hundred into the sky at once every 20 minutes or so. I am not a eloquent enough writer to ever explain just how majestic this was. It was magical. I've realized as an adult most things don't seem magical like they did when you were a kid, but this was. |
After our fairy tail night (not because it was like tangled) was over we had to wait in a line that was over a mile long, not exaggerating, in order to get a bus back to Taipei. Lucky for us this little boy was in front of us. It may be obvious to say but I'm obsess with the children in this country. They are so cute. The cutest kids, ever, in the world and I've seen kids from many places in the world. We don't even know enough Chinese to say a word to them besides Ni hao. But some how we become friends with every kid within 10 feet of us. I have a hard time not just putting them in my purse and taking them with me. He ended up sharing his treats with us he like us so much.But more than us he loved his spong-bob sword. LOVED, and he was proud of it. |
A near perfect Chinese New Year. (if I hadn't froze every night in our hostel, I might have said it was perfect) these girls are wonderful, the things I saw and did were unforgettable and I feel so unbelievably blessed for this experience to be living in this wonderful county. |
Yes. I love it. And yes, the world wide web does not need to know what happened in the festival of flowers.
ReplyDeleteA. YOU. ARE. SO. CUTE.
ReplyDeleteB. Those kids are so cute!! Ahhh it hurts my heart. Gimme gimme
C. THE LANTERNS!!! So jealous!
I love your blog, Natlay!! I love hearing about your adventures!
Everything about this adventure seems dreamy! I am so jealous about your life! BRING ME SOME CLOTHES!!! That giraffe sweater is the BEST! Love you. Miss you. Skype me sometime real soon.
ReplyDeleteNatalie I am so jealous right now. I think I actually started salivating when I read about the pancake egg things. Those were my favorite treat. I would kill to be back in China right now.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Thanks for putting this on facebook. I'll be religiously following your blog and living my China-life through you.
give me that giraffe shirt right now.
ReplyDeleteyou better be buying me lots and lots of clothes.
LOVE this post, i'm closing my eyes and pretending I'm there.
miss you!
Glad you had such a great Chinese New Years and glad you shared your great pictures with us!!!
ReplyDeleteI wish I was there with you! You look like you are having such great experiences and your hair is so long and beautiful. I miss you Nat!